Blue-eyed career criminal Jeremy Meeks provokes lust in women, claims to be married


A mug shot of a criminal from Stockton, California, has created a frenzy among women on social media. After police posted a mug shot of Jeremy Meeks on their Facebook page, 20,000 women liked the photo and wrote lustful comments under the photo.

In a matter of hours, the photo went viral and women on social media seemed to be willing to forgive Meeks for his criminal past because of his looks. On Twitter, the hashtag “FelonCrushFriday” is currently the top trending topic in America. There have also been memes created with lust-filled phrases.

According to News 10 in Stockton, Meeks is a known gang banger who has served nine years in prison for grand theft. He was arrested earlier this week for illegally possessing a firearm and street gang activity. He currently has a $900,000 bail and being charged with six felonies.

Meeks is reportedly married and has a son. To capitalize from her son’s newfound fame, Meek’s mother has started a GoFundMe page to raise $25,000.

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