Chicago Crime Wave: Meet the flash mobsters

This past weekend, at least eight people were killed and 46 were shot. Also, one adult and seven teens were arrested and charged with felony mob action after multiple mob attacks in several posh downtown Chicago neighborhoods following the Blues Fest.
The weekend crime wave has even penetrated Chicago’s storied Gold Coast.
In an act of boldness that was unheard of years ago, on Sunday evening, a 36-year-old man walking in the Gold Coast was robbed by up to 20 people. The victim suffered injuries to his head but was able to walk afterwards.
With warmer weather around the corner, and festival season underway, community activists contend that we can expect more flash mobsters and gun violence if proactive measures such as summer job programs for teens, job training for adults, and increased police presence for all Chicago neighborhoods are not placed at the top of the City’s agenda.