Often times, you second-guess your ideas, your business, and if what you are doing matters to anyone else. The more you talk about your business, and tell your story to people, the more positive energy and feedback you will get. As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is the easiest: talking about your business. So, regardless of what stage you’re at, don’t be shy about talking about your story.
Here are four quick tips to help you feel less pressure and ready to talk up your business and tell your story.
Don’t Quit
Success doesn’t happen overnight. It may seem like you are putting in tons of time and hours of work, but see little to no results. As with most things, it takes time and when the time comes, you have to be ready. When you feel like things are tightening up, go with your gut feeling. If something is telling you to continue, move forward.
Prepared players will make the plays needed to win. When the calls start coming in, and the sales start to take off, think about the little things you can do to prepare. Create a sales deck template, put together a bio of yourself and your business, and think about creating a media kit. Have some of these things already at your fingertips, so you are ahead of the game when your product or service is called on, because it will get called.
You have a business and a story behind it. You have to believe that both are worth talking about. Before you incorporate your business, before you get that first press mention, and before you make your first dollar, you have to believe in what you and your business is all about. Sometimes you are so close to your ideas and story that you become most critical of it and think that it isn’t good enough. There is a reason you decided to start your business. There is a reason you are doing what you are doing. Talk about, tell it, and show it off.
Make Your Success Breed More Success
You will get excited when you get that first taste of success, but don’t forget to think about the things you can do afterward. Publicize your successes. Put together a press release and send it out to local newspapers and TV stations. Ask yourself: How can I take advantage of my successes? What can I do to make it better?