I was engrossed watching Iyanla Vanzant mentally massage Evelyn Lozada’s mind and bathe her in uplifting words, albeit with some love, on the hit reality show “Fix My Life.” Vanzant has made a career out of pulling people from under the wreckage and rubble of their own lives (oftentimes of their own creation), and it is good to see the Queen of Life Transformation make peace with the Queen of Daytime Talk Shows so they could create magic on the OWN network.
While looking through the figurative peephole and watching Vanzant’s intense psychotherapy session, the thought of other celebs who could and should undergo some intense mental house cleaning flooded my brain. These folks seem to engage in one social hiccup after another and appear headed down a perilous path that we’ve seen so many other beloved stars travel — and some were never strong enough to make it back.
These are the celebrities who need Iyanla Vanzant to fix their lives on, well, “Fix My Life.”