Quad Webb-Lunceford dishes on ‘Married to Medicine’


Quad Webb-Lunceford dishes on her reality TV show

Now that the highly contested reality show “Married to Medicine” has come and gone, several of the cast may fade into obscurity and resume their roles as practicing doctors and doctor’s wives. That select few, however, will not include the show’s standout, Quad Webb-Lunceford, who has a plan to keep her unique name on fans’ lips.

Not only a beauty but also brainy, this dynamic diva dished with rolling out on her husband, Dr. Gregory Lunceford; her best friend, Mariah Huq; and her cast mates, Kari and Toya, whom she calls “master manipulators.”

Tell us about your background before “Married to Medicine.”

I have a degree in biology and minor in chemistry from Tennessee State University. I have always been into sales, I got into medical sales by doing an internship with Johnson & Johnson and McNeil. For the last 10 years I’ve been in sales with home health sales and therapeutic medical sales. It’s always been in the arena targeted towards health and wellness. I call on hospitals, primary care physicians and endocrinologists. They write the referrals to my company and I send the nurses, the speech therapists and the occupational therapists to their home.

Is that how you met your husband, Dr. Gregory Lunceford?

No girl, we met at Kroger. Can you believe that? Listen to me, “The Doll” went “Krogering” and she looked bust down. She had a purple and black jogging suit on and red and blue shoes with a ball cap. He pulled up and was like,”Excuse me, are you married?” I said “no” and he looked as though he wanted more conversation. I said OK, well when I put the [grocery] buggy up, I’ll come up and talk to you.” When I got back out there he was standing near my car and we talked and I eventually found out that he was a doctor. Initially I was thinking of referrals, not trying to be his girlfriend or his wife, but he wasn’t the type of physician that I would call on [for my occupation].


What made you and your husband want to do reality television?

I always knew that I had a magnetic personality and a natural knack for people. I looked at the platform that it could offer me. Yes I’ve always been in the community and I’ve always lended myself to helping others but this magnifies it to the tenth power. That’s what I can do for others. As far as myself, I would like get into scripted acting, that’s my ultimate goal. Also the entrepreneurial aspect of it. I’m writing a book right now which will be as hilarious as you expect it to be. I’m working with my little babies Khloe and Kari [her dogs], we’re interested in starting a puppy [clothing] line. We call it Posh Pup apparel.

Viewers love your personality and unique sayings, what are some of your favorite “Quad-isms?”

“Catch that dirt,” “Catch fire,” “Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun!” — I really like that one. I think it’s perfect for this show as we can see going back to the first episode when the women  wanted to treat me like I didn’t fit in or wasn’t the quintessential doctor’s wife. They wanted to make me feel like an outcast, they wanted to shut me out. As we go on through the season, however, we see the tables turn. We [also] see that in every media aspect that’s out there, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, OK! magazine; they’re all rooting for me.

Do you think Kari and Toya were jealous or intimidated by you?

I think it’s a little bit of both. They probably did not have confidence in their own personality as to what it could actually bring to the show so what they wanted to do was put me down to lift themselves up. They almost wanted to utilize me as a springboard. There was really no reason, I had dined with these women before. I wouldn’t say that we were close friends but we were very cordial towards one another.


Have either one of them apologized? 

No, not really, because these are master manipulators and they want to always try to turn it around and play the victim. I cannot stand that the most. If you do something, just say you did it, this is what your intent was and say why you did it. We can discuss your personal feelings if you are just open and you’re real with them. I get it, I really do. I think a lot the situation [with] Toya is that she’s just very jealous of me and Mariah’s relationship.

Talk about your relationship with Mariah. How long have you known her?

I’ve known Mariah for many years now. We met back in college. We’re not really like friends, we’re more like sisters. We sometimes disagree with each other but that’s not going to be revealed in the public eye. Why should it be? We really do support each other. It’s a real relationship. It’s not something that’s contrived.


What do you want people to learn about you?

I want people to learn that I’m a real person with real feelings. I want people to learn that I’m a very ambitious individual, very vibrant, full of life and I’m very compassionate. Now I don’t take any mess at all, but I normally like to bring the best out of everyone.

Website: QuadIsVeryBusy.com

Twitter: @AbsolutelyQuad

Instagram: @AbsolutelyQuad

Facebook Fan Page: QuadWebbLunceford

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