Donald Trump’s Racist Birther Campaign on Obama Getting Mass Backlash

Donald Trump’s Racist Birther Campaign on Obama Getting Mass BacklashDonald “Birther” Trump is an unprincipled, uncouth, race-baiting opportunist who happens to be a billionaire. Point blank. He has been bloodthirsty and ruthless in trying to monopolize media attention to himself for his carnival circus presidential campaign and doesn’t concern himself with the racial collateral damage caused by his indiscriminate cultural rampage.

If he has to reduce his carefully constructed black fan base to permanent ruins to arrive at his goals, then so be it. He is worse than a racist. Racist white people actually have to think about black people to hate them. In Trump’s sick and twisted mind, “the blacks,” as he calls us, don’t even matter to him. You and what impacts you are irrelevant to him.

It is a new form of insidious 21st century racism that Trump and the birthers are employing. But toying with black people and the president of the United States has come back to haunt Trump as he is getting blistered on a variety of fronts:

“It’s all fun, it’s all a circus, it’s all a rodeo, until it starts to smack of racism,” TV host David Letterman scolded, speaking specifically of Trump. “And then it’s no longer fun.”

“If he comes back on this show, and I am not sure we want him back on this show under these circumstances, he ought to be prepared to apologize just for that kind of behavior,” Letterman added.

David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker magazine and author of an Obama biography, wrote this week:

“To do what Trump has done … is a conscious form of race-baiting, of fear-mongering.” Remnick said. “The cynicism of the purveyors of these fantasies is that they know very well what they are playing at, the prejudices they are fanning. Let’s say what is plainly true … these rumors, this industry of fantasy, are designed to arouse a fear of the Other, of an African-American man with a white American mother and a black Kenyan father.”

“The continuing conspiracy theories about Obama – from his country of birth to his religion to his relationships with the radical left – come from people who are essentially motivated by antipathy toward black people,” Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center writes in his Huffington Post column.

Just remember that every time you tune into his “Celebrity Apprentice,” you are, in fact, supporting a man who has absolutely no respect for you and has disrespected the president in ways never seen before. Know this. –terry shropshire

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