
rectal, 7 undetected stds

7 dangerous STDs with no warning signs

The idea that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) always announce themselves with uncomfortable or visible symptoms is a dangerous misconception that health experts are working to

Is Atlanta really burning with STDs?

While Atlanta continues to rank highly when it comes to HIV infection rates, HIV/AIDS isn’t the only STD plaguing the burgeoning city. Atlanta has seen

Flu outbreak 2013: 4 other viruses to beware of

First completely antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea cases detected in North America. Most sexually transmitted infections that occur in America, occur in terms of rate and proportion among

Common STDs in Women

What’s more ubiquitous? STDs in women or Christian Louboutin stilettos? A man may want a mate who’s a good cook or has long leg or doesn’t

California Porn Stars’ Dirty Little Secret

For some porn connoisseurs, the condom kills the money shot. Nevertheless, the Los Angeles City Council has passed an ordinance that requires adult film stars