
FDA aims to ban trans fat from foods

The Food and Drug Administration has finally admitted that the trans fat found in many foods is unsafe and is taking their first steps toward

Savannah James opens juice bar in Miami

Mrs. LeBron James is taking her healthy lifestyle to another level. As the former Savannah Brinson prepared for her wedding day, she did lots of

Best superfoods to help women lose weight

Eating healthy is a part of losing weight. Exercise paired with proper nutrition helps fuel the body and burn calories. Knowing which foods and how

10 celebrity summer makeovers 2013

Not only do celebs change up their looks for roles and concerts, sometimes they feel it’s just time for a change. From weight loss to

Mariah Carey gets dumped

Jenny Craig is saying no to celebrities. In recent years, Jenny Craig, a popular do-it-yourself weight loss program, has been notorious for making celebrity endorsement

10 tips to keep you healthy

How often do you hear, eat healthy and exercise to live a healthier longer life? Probably every week as you flip through channels and again

Foods that increase your cholesterol levels

It is no surprise that greasy, fatty foods can cause some artery clogging and cause several health problems. Eating these foods, in moderation with exercise

7 ways to glow on your wedding day

A beautiful bride makes weddings even more memorable. Taking some healthy steps months before the big day can help a bride really glow. From the

3 ways to eat for a healthier lifestyle

The phrases “eat green” and “clean eating” are often heard but do you really know what they mean? There are three categories of healthy eating