

Why men who take Viagra experience blindness

Viagra, a name synonymous with erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, has revolutionized men’s sexual health. However, a cloud of concern hangs over its use due to

2 Chicago men rob clinic of … Viagra?

Two armed men in Chicago robbed a medical clinic of $1,700 worth of Viagra. They cleaned out the clinic’s entire supply. According to CBS Chicago, the two

Black man fathered 54 kids before dying at 87

Samuel Whitney had an affinity for procreating. According to reports by KMOV, the 87-year-old Whitney fathered 54 children. After Whitney died in Phoenix in July,

Cheating Husbands Die While Having Sex

Cheating men — the unlucky dogs that they are — are suffering massive heart attacks and dying in their lovers’ beds, according to a new