Kenya Moore defends calling Porsha Williams a ‘beard’ for Kordell Stewart

Kenya Moore & Porsha Stewart

Despite the critiques of several of her married co-stars, Kenya Moore didn’t have a problem bashing Porsha Williams’ marriage on Sunday night’s episode of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” In reality, Moore has been vocal about critiquing everyone’s relationships and marriages all season long. In her last Bravo blog post, Moore continues to throw shade on Williams and Parks over their broken relationships.

During Sunday night’s episode, Williams was grilled by Moore and Cynthia Bailey’s husband, Peter Thomas, after she claimed that she wanted to clean up her ex-husband, Kordell Stewart’s, “tainted” image when she married him. Both Moore and Thomas asserted it that was code for admitting she was his beard hiding his sexuality. And though Williams denied it, Moore now says that Williams was blatantly lying.

“When a woman states she married a man to ‘erase’ his ‘tainted’ celebrity, I hear ‘I was his beard.”’ Moore wrote. “I’ve heard half a dozen accounts on what her marriage was. It’s clear Porsha can’t keep up with her own statements. I don’t care about Kordell’s sexuality any more than I care about their marriage.  But I do care about the truth.  I’m not sure how one “slays mud” as Porsha said, but that damage was already done in the beginning of her divorce by calling Kordell 50 different gay queens.”

Despite her harsh critiques, Moore insists that she wishes the best for Williams in her next marriage.

“They were married less than 2 years and have both moved on. Now that she has to make a way for herself, I wish her well. Whether it’s a short-term marriage or a serious relationship, all teach us how to choose better partners. Hopefully, for the right reasons next time around,” Moore said.

And Williams isn’t the only one shaded in her post. Check out what she had to say about Parks after the cut. – nicholas robinson

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