Trin-i-tee 5:7’s ‘Angel & Chanelle’ Grows on You: CD Review

Trin-i-tee 5:7's 'Angel & Chanelle' Grows on You: CD ReviewTo be authentic and transparent, I have not followed Trin-i-tee 5:7’s career closely. When I was given the “deluxe edition” of their latest CD to review, a couple of their past songs came to mind. Over the next couple of days, I began to study the songs and sound of Angel Taylor and Chanelle Hayes and came away a new fan.

The R&B-laced gospel duo’s latest project, Angel & Chanelle, is a compilation of an impressive 17 tunes that range from the semi-traditional (remakes of Luther Barnes’ “I’m Still Holdin’ On” and a remix of their own hit, “God’s Grace”) to the very contemporary (“I Don’t Need A Reason”). The hottest single, “Over and Over,” is being played over and over across the nation. What I appreciate most about this pair’s music is that they actually have lyrics — words that speak, that say something to the hearts and minds of people.

Angel and Chanelle may not be cranking out music that is easy to replicate in churches and in showers, but that’s what makes them unique and worth listening to. Their music grew on me, one who is relatively narrow-minded about gospel music and can be a harsh critic of the offerings from today’s entertainment and music industries.

Some of the words that stick with me the most come from song #8, “I Worship Your Name”:

You are my God and Creator. You are my Lord and Savior. You are my King. I worship Your name.

It is a beautiful song, as are several of the slower praise and worship songs on the project.

Song #6, “I Don’t Need A Reason,” is uptempo and fun and reminds me of a child’s hand-clapping game:

One, two, oh, how I love you! Three, four, it’s you that I adore! Five, six, so good I need to make a list! Seven, eight, you’re always on time!

I recommend this CD. I am excited to have it as part of my spring and summer music collection. Now, I just need to get a better-looking ride with a sunroof so that I can bump it properly. –arnell pharr

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