Tameka Raymond Accuses Usher of Drug Use: 4 Other Custody Battles Involving Drug Accusations

Tameka Raymond Accuses Usher of Drug Use: 4 Other Custody Battles Involving Drug AccusationsJust a day after news reports revealed that pop star Usher’s ex-wife, Tameka Foster Raymond,  filed a petition for full custody of their two sons, Usher Raymond V, 4; and Naviyd Ely Raymond, 2; she is now claiming that Usher is a drug user and wants custody of their kids to protect them from him.

According to the New York Post, last week, Usher refused Tameka’s demand for a drug test after she claimed he was “in [a] delirium” at a concert in Germany back in January.

The custody battle between the two began that same month, when Usher filed a motion requesting sole custody of their two kids after Raymond refused to allow the children accompany their father on his world tour.

After several months, Raymond finally fired back at Usher’s custody request with her own, demanding full custody as well and claiming that Usher failed to fulfill several legal requirements of their joint custody agreement, including allowing her custody of the kids for two weeks in the summer and during Christmas break as well as failing to pay her $34,000 to cover nanny fees for the children.

According to the court documents, Raymond also filed a request for Usher to submit to a drug test after she claimed she found mysterious pills in his pockets in September 2008 and that she believed he was intoxicated during the concert in Germany.

After Usher’s performance at that show, viral videos begin to spread across the Internet showing Usher meandering across the stage, unable to sing. He apologized to the fans and his doctors later blamed his inability to sing on a respiratory infection.

However, Raymond claims that Usher was under the influence of unknown drugs.

“I dated him . . . when he’s had a very serious throat condition and he still performs like a champ. I really feel strongly that something was going on there, and it wasn’t, ‘Oh I have laryngitis,’ ” she said, adding  in the deposition, “I believe he gets high. And if he doesn’t, then he’d take the drug test, correct?”

However, Usher responded to Raymond’s accusations last week, calling her drug test request drug test request “frivolous and unfounded,” and intended to “harass and embarrass” him.

This custody battle is clearly heating up and it looks like it won’t end anytime soon. In the meantime, check out five other custody battles riddled with drug accusations. –nicholas robinson

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