Carol Ray-Holmes Creates The Pink Computer Club to Help Girls Become Computer Literate

Carol Ray-Holmes Creates The Pink Computer Club to Help Girls Become Computer LiterateCarol Ray-Holmes, CEO of Lady Ray Computer Services LLC, created The Pink Computer Club to educate young girls about the technology industry. The Pink Computer Club has a limited membership for young women between the ages of 11 and 17 and offers a computer literacy program. Participants can complete certification in IC3 (Internet and computing) with disciplines in computer fundamentals, software applications (Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and living online. Everything is free to the participants and a pink notebook will be awarded to the club member who achieves the highest score in all three of the IC3 exams.

Why did you feel this program was necessary?

I wanted to do this for the community because it is appalling that there are not many African American women in the computer technology field. Computer-related fields can pay very high salaries; I want to make the community aware and give them a head start in either going to college or getting a good job in the computer technology fields.

What has been the best part of your business journey?

The best part of my journey into this business has been the success that I have garnered for my clients. Every class that I have taught and exam that I proctored where my clients were happy lets me know that I am in the right business.

Where do you want to see the program in 10 years?

I see Lady Ray Computer Services expanding to different states and countries.

What goals do you have for the business?

The technology is making it possible to expand quickly.  I also plan to expand my nonprofit “The Pink Computer Club” to reach young ladies both nationally and internationally. I want to make sure that Lady Ray will play an integral part in the development of young women in technology.

What forthcoming projects are you working on?

Lady Ray is currently working on our own line of test preparation materials, DVD’s and online training for test preparation. We are quickly becoming one of the major training, test preparation and exam providers nationally and internationally. That image of computer nerds and geeks is changing to chic.

For more information, please visit

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