There are tests that we will pass or fail on, tests that will determine the future of a generation and tests that may heal or help someone who is in pain. But it is the suffering of others and the scourges against us as a people, being exaggerated and exploited by the acceptance of a marijuana culture that is planted and cultivated by legal and illegal means.
Does a 17-year-old realize that entire careers fall by the wayside when the subject tests positive for illicit drugs? Does he understand that he won’t meet hiring requirements at Fedex, nor will he be eligible to join the ranks of the military? Does he understand that if and when arrested, prior drug offenses, including; the use, possession and sale of marijuana may be reflected in his criminal record and label him a “habitual offender” and “non-redeemable?”
There is no valid reason to argue the pros and cons of marijuana legalization, we’ve seen the burgeoning medical marijuana growth industry blossom and flourish in places like Oakland, Calif., and at least a dozen other states that have added medical marijuana to the law books. We’ve also seen scores of relatively healthy individuals who were ailment free, now strutting around with medical marijuana cards, which they brandish about boldly.
But are we missing the boat on getting in on the proverbial ground floor by not being a part of the cutting-edge industry and driving its development by becoming caregivers rather than patients, and opening dispensaries rather than being recipients of the drug … again? Are we missing out again, erroneously believing that the silver lining in the marijuana cloud is the effect on one’s condition, rather than how we direct and dictate the conditions doing business in African American communities?
The photograph above implies that paradise is more than a dream, it exists somewhere in our lives — whether it’s in the realm of our physical locale or an imaginary one, the point being that it is a state of mind. Now, the unadulterated presence of marijuana in our culture compels some to move into that imaginary paradise place and numbs them to the realities of the world in which they live. Is there some paradise that we should all journey toward, one that can be reached by just inhaling its seductive indigenous plants?
In this issue of rolling out we interviewed, researched and reached out to put a great deal of information together regarding a myriad of issues revolving around the great marijuana debate. Medicinal uses, casual indulgence, and equity in sentencing are just a few of the conversations we had in bringing this issue to fruition. Hopefully, you’ll let me know what you think about the information contained in the pages herein as well as the word on the streets about its distribution, both positive and negative.
I am not here to preach or teach at this moment … I think there is an abundance of opinions on the matter and lots of real discourse about the root issue. But I am certain that the individuals who sing about smoking weed on CDs and demonstrate it in videos are not the people who can’t make bail, or sell it, or get addicted to it and eventually may be shot and bleed out because of a drug-related transaction. There is a mystery unraveling and what is revealed in the discovery of the unknown is that there is no paradise to be found in the drug industry for African Americans.
But I’d like for you to tell me about your version of paradise, this paradise that so many see as a cash cow and one that alludes to the promise of employment or at least income for African Americans because they can now transition from a criminal enterprise to a legitimate one.
But it was an interesting study in socioeconomic trends and philosophical thinking, and thanks to Snoop Dogg and Whiz Khalifa for hanging out with rolling out and sharing their perspectives on the weed issue. And thanks to the professors at Harvard and other centers of academia for their guidance, too.
Take the time to let me know what you think. Hit me up on Twitter or leave your comment at after you’ve read what our experts had to say. Freedom is not free, there is a price. Consider the costs you’ll pay for the freedom to indulge in drug use and compare that to the freedom to expand your mind and your world uninhibited by a narcotic nuisance.
Stay free of inducements or the trap of paying to change your mood and alter how you feel. Travel to the higher planes in your mind and spirit. Choose your cure or your poison and determine your pleasure or your pain.
Munson Steed