Chef Roble Ali Chops It Up About Stardom and Cooking for A-List Clients

Chef Roble Ali Chops It Up About Stardom and Cooking for A-List ClientsWho can’t love watching one of the coolest and hippest chefs on TV on the Bravo show “Chef Roble & Co”

Roble began developing his style and cooking technique at an early age and he learned much of it from watching his grandfather cook. Born in Houston, Texas but now residing in New York, he puts his culinary skills to use cooking up meals for A-list celebrities and runs his own catering company. Chef Roble takes time out to chop it up with us here at ro about his culinary skills, most memorable occasions and the top five reasons you should hire him for your next event.

Where did you get your love for cooking from?

First, I had a love for eating. I figured that if I wanted to eat the way I want to eat all the time, I’d have to figure out how to cook.

You have had some good and bad experiences cooking for clients on your reality show, “Roble & Co.” Tell us about some of your most memorable experiences.

All of my experiences on the show in relation to my clients have been good except for two. Two out of 16 is a pretty good ratio of good to bad. Check out episodes one and seven to see the two bad experiences. They really weren’t all that bad though because the client was happy in the end on both occasions. You can find both episodes on iTunes and on Hulu too from what I have heard.

What is your ultimate goal with your brand?

I’m not sure yet. I’m still figuring things out. I want to go all the way to the moon with it! I can tell you that.

How did you land the deal for your own reality show and how did you prepare for the instant stardom?

I had the idea for “Chef Roblé & Co.” in the back of my mind developing for about a year. My talent agency, Maxx Talent took me to a film production company. We had a creative meeting, and they gave me the luxury of throwing out the first idea. That idea was “Roblé & Co.” About 6 months later we had a television deal with Bravo for the show you see now, “Chef Roblé & Co.” I don’t think anything can prepare you for instant stardom. The cool thing is that I live in NYC. People tend to not go to crazy over people they see on tv here.

Working with family and friends, is this a yay or nay? Explain the ups and downs.

Working with family is probably not a good idea most of the time. One of the ups is that [usually] family are people that you can trust. In the case of my sister Jazz, I can trust her 100 percent with my finances, clients etc. One of the downs is that you risk ruining life long relationships over things that are not that important in the grand scheme of things.

Give us your top five reasons anyone should hire your catering company for their next big event?

1. We take pride in what we do.
2. We are unique in our approach in that we truly cater to you. We don’t have standing menus. We create unique menus for each and every client.
3. Our food is really good, if I do say so myself.
4. We have a solid team of individuals who all love what they do. This translates into the best experience for you and your guests
5. Because you should.

Twitter: @ChefRoble

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