Trayvon Martin Demonized for High School Suspensions

Trayvon Martin Demonized for High School Suspensions

Trayvon Martin’s murder has led to outrage and protests across the nation. But as Martin’s family continues to mourn the senseless murder of their teen son, several media outlets have decided to publicize his past indiscretions.

A report by the Miami Herald revealed that Trayvon was suspended three times from school.

In October, Trayvon was reprimanded for spray painting “W.T.F.” on a door at his school in Miami Gardens. A police officer later searched through Trayvon’s bag and found a screwdriver and women’s jewelry.

Taryvon was also suspended after being caught with an empty marijuana bag and pipe, and he was suspended for truancy.

But how does a school suspension relate to the murder of a teenager? The report attempts to tarnish the victim instead of focusing on the killer who remains free.

Zimmerman was warned to stop following Trayvon while speaking to a 911 operator. However, he ignored law enforcement and attempted to take matters into his own hands. Trayvon was likely startled by Zimmerman who held a gun in his hand. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon was murdered.

Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s mother, responded to the report of her son’s murder by saying, “They killed my son and now they’re trying to kill his reputation.”–amir shaw

Click continue to see photos of Trayvon Martin.

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