Can Trayvon Martin Movement Create Hip-Hop Anthem With Jay-Z, Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj?

Can Trayvon Martin Movement Create Hip-Hop Anthem With Jay-Z, Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj?

Trayvon Martin had so much more to say, but the silence in his absence speaks volumes to the hip-hop generation of today. Where are their responses after the attention is gone, will his murder be a phase that rises and quickly passes on? Will they continue to remember him with hoodies and will his spirit live on?

Like watching the Kony 2012 video, the Invisible Children called for the murderer’s arrest, but unlike Jay-Z’s  Blueprint and the social commentary it suggests, they address the downtrodden, the ignored and oppressed. The Trayvon Martin saga isn’t reflective a Tupac song, it’s not about rolling for one’s whole lifelong.

Like some iconic representation that won’t just wind up a memory, justice for the young brother who died may result in the trial of the century. Will Lil Wayne make a song for him too, or Nicki’s album just came out, what did she say we should do?

Did Trayvon Martin die in vain? Will we ever forget that sense of hopelessness and pain? What kind of reminder of the struggle will he be … we find it difficult enough to honor Dr. King’s holiday, who fought to show us what it meant to be free.

Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin, what do we say? People donned hoods, but where are they today? Who is still standing by and ready to walk the line? Who will show up on court day and not act in a way in which we don’t want to be defined. Never forget Trayvon Martin was here and he lived. And his death is not just an occasion for blacks who are bereaved. It’s not a tragedy for people of a single race to mourn and ultimately come to embrace. We invite others to commemorate too, the death of an innocent with Skittles and a drink, a day we’ll all rue. What are we as a society going to do?

Will Dwyane Wade and the NBA players with all of their celebrity and acclaim, steal a moment from the championship game, to express their regrets and make sure the nation never forgets the shame? Will we remember how his mother reacted to the dreaded call,  that her world would change and something in society was wrong? And the things that his father will have to grapple with too. The fact that his son is gone and may soon be a distant memory to you, evidenced by the fact there is no request for an interview, and his chances to say what he feels are few. Who will send him a card on Father’s Day? Who will remember his and in what particular way?

The news of Trayvon Martin was all over the radio, but will Will Steve Harvey and Big Boi keep his memory alive on their broadcast shows? Like James Byrd who was dragged and succumbed to a horrible death, will we remember our many heroes who’ve left?

For all of us who took notice and changed our Facebook status that day, how will remember Trayvon Martin?

We united our voices for “We Are The World” and “The Children Are Our Future” was our constant refrain. Why don’t we take a similar stand and make an end to the violence a consistent demand? His death marks a pivotal point, in an end to neglect and a lack of support, and making a gun our final resort. There is a much bigger threat that often eludes, it keeps us complacent and far too subdued.

In the name of Trayvon Martin and all of the promise he held, show that we are a greater people and by the call to action we are impelled. Our children will become scientists and mathematicians and engineers too, and success is attainable for more than a few. And our remembrances of Trayvon Martin won’t be gone, his life will spark a movement, a revolution to which we are all drawn.

When you are singing Jay-Z, do you think of Trayvon Martin in a special way. When you think of Kanye and the designer shoes he encourages you to wear, will you instead wear a hoodie to keep people aware. What is it that we as fathers will feel compelled to do? Spend time with our sons on Father’s day this year, and say to Trayvon this is for you, and to your son “I’m glad your here.” Hug your son tight for an hour or so, hold him close and don’t let him go. Make it a day that he will remember and wonder, that you affirmed your love and that he would not go asunder. Remember Trayvon Martin at that moment, and allow your daughters to see, that like you son nothing is more important than she.

We choose Trayvon Martin, and will not let his death be in vain. He won’t be forgotten, discounted or disregarded in any way. Justice for him will be our constant campaign.


Munson Steed


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