Karlie Redd Says K. Michelle Deserved To Be Abused
When a preview of the drama of Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta was shown Monday, it was emphatically clear that two of its cast members were at odds. In one scene, Karlie Redd and K. Michelle have a confrontation at a local restaurant; Redd shakes a table menacingly in Michelle’s direction before the singer retaliates and accuses her of lying. “Don’t shake the table unless you ready to get shook,” she later adds.
With that in mind, it’s no surprise that these two ladies would let their dislike for each other spill onto social networks and Tuesday they did just that. With their thousands of Twitter followers watching, the two reality TV stars ripped into each other. The cause of their fight? A tweet from a blogger saying that they weren’t supporting K. Michelle and instead were “Team Karlie Redd.”

“Matter fact, i take back every nice thing i said about @kmichelle now…since she’s just randomly blocking n—–,” said blogger Eleven8 of BallerAlert.com. “It’s Team @KARLIEREDD!”
That “scathing” tweet sent the ladies into a frenzy; “You are a well known industry whore and none of the other girls in the cast wanna even take pics with u,” wrote Michelle. “U betta be glad ur label brought (sic) your teeth. Y’all shoulda seen that horse mouth before she got it fixed,” fired back her arch-nemesis.

The most shocking tweet however came from Redd who made reference to Michelle’s confession that her record exec ex abused her. “You couldn’t get a crum snatcher even if you tried, wrote Redd. “That’s why your last man beat you.”
Wow, what a classy thing to say.
The tweets between both ladies have since been deleted.
If it’s not too much for you, check out more of the back and forth between K. Michelle and Karlie Redd below.-danielle canada