Lil Scrappy Criticizes Frank Ocean’s Coming Out Statement

 Lil Scrappy Criticizes Frank Ocean's Coming Out Statement

Lil Scrappy Says ‘Gay Is the Gateway to Aids’

While Frank Ocean has been praised publicly by several celebrities supporting his decision to come out the closet, a select few aren’t being totally accepting of his sexuality. A prime example of the aforementioned is rapper Lil Scrappy who recently spoke with TMZ about Ocean’s pivotal letter detailing the time he fell in love with a man.

“It’s crazy just like everything else going on in the world, but at the end of the day, I feel like to each his own,” said Scrappy to TMZ. “He with it, but I ain’t with it, but at the same time you have a whole gay society and you can’t act like it’s not there.” And while the “Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta” star didn’t bash Ocean personally, he did make some disparaging remarks about homosexuality, alluding to the fact that Ocean’s openly bisexual status will help stop the spread of AIDS. “He’s cool. I love the music and the music is what really matters. As for the coming out, gay, I’m glad he came out so all the women that love the straight men, we can keep the AIDS situation down, you feel me?” said Scrappy. After mentioning that he’s glad “straight women won’t be messing with him [Ocean]”, Scrappy told the site that he definitely believes gay is a gateway to the HIV/AIDS virus. “Definitely,” said Scrap. “It’s scientifical [sic]. It’s not from my mouth, it’s scientifical [sic].”

Lil Scrappy Criticizes Frank Ocean's Coming Out Statement

In a similar fashion, rapper Khia decided to throw in her two cents about Ocean’s bisexuality this weekend and bashed the singer for “fooling women.” Taking to Twitter, the “My Neck, My Back” hitmaker wrote, “Hats off to Frank Ocean — at least he finally told the truth. Now all the women he fooled can finally know the truth.” She later used the opportunity to promote her forthcoming book, “I wrote a book about it,” she said. “Be sure to get it, Khia’s new book Ignoring The Signs. –danielle canada

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