5 Helpful Tips When Asking a Woman Out on a Date

5 Helpful Tips When Asking a Woman Out on a Date

3. Originality Is the Key

Presenting a unique date idea is also critical when attempting to increase your odds. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the classic dinner and movie suggestions are still cool, but they do nothing to separate yourself from every other guy who has asked her out within the last hour. Whether you believe it or not, the average woman gets propositioned by at least 3-4 men on any given day — from the UPS man, to her married co-worker, to the homeless guy asking to pump her gas for spare change. With this understanding in mind, it becomes that much more important to think outside of the box, and entice her with a creative date idea.

So tell her that you want to go rock climbing … or better yet, invite her to a mud wrestling match between Rihanna and whoever else is dating Chris Brown this week. These types of date ideas let her know that really put serious thought into how you’d like to create an enjoyable atmosphere for the two of you.

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