Hampton University Celebrates Homecoming
The weekend of Oct. 26-28 was a time of celebration for a “Home by the Sea”where alumni gathered for football, fun and festivities. Hampton University is known for drawing throngs of proud grads eager to return to their stomping grounds where they learned of the HBCU’s rich history and one-0f-a kind student life, and this year proved to be no different. As the football team put a stomping to the Tigers of Savannah State University (21-13) and the winds and rain of Hurricane Sandy drew near, the school’s multilevel student center provided the perfect setting for class reunions and rekindling of old friendships. Rolling out was on campus and met with several proud alums who gladly posed for pictures in their Hampton University gear, Greek paraphernalia or just stylish attire, per the custom of the religiously well dressed Pirate community.
Below are several photos of stylish Hamptonians, young and old, who put their best foot forward this weekend.
–danielle canada