Ted Nugent, the crazed, right-wing, gun-toting, Obama-hating rocker who was visited by the Secret Service last year for making reckless statements about the president, has now gotten even more outrageous when he says Obama is “engineer of the destruction of black America.”
In the same inflammatory column he wrote for the far right website, WorldNetDaily, Nugent laughably says that he “honors blacks everyday” and respects Black History Month and claims that “dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation.”
Nugent continues:
“With February being Black History Month, historians looking back at this timeframe studying black Americans will judge it as a complete and total disaster. And they won’t blame President Bush. Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.”
Nugent backs up his argument with a series of statistics on what he insists are the president’s destructive “economic and social policies”: The unemployment rate for adult black Americans, he writes, is twice that of white Americans; teenage black unemployment is 40 percent; the high school dropout rate for black Americans in some inner cities is above 50 percent. He also cites the “epidemic” of black-on-black violence and claims that “75 percent of black kids are now raised in a single-parent household.”
This is most interesting to me that Nugent suddenly wants to speak out on behalf of black America. But if it were an honest stance, he would have done so without his scathing denunciation of President Obama and the rest of the Democratic Party. In fact, Nugent would have made such public pronouncements — that he respects Black History Month and honors blacks every day — years before now. If he really, really loves black people like he says he does, it would have been as highly evident as his loyalty to, and love of, the National Rifle Association and his love of his guitar.
But since this is not the case, then we can easily dismiss Nugent’s foaming at the mouth as a case of a man who is using the negative statistics of blacks as a baseball bat to bash against Obama’s skull. Blacks are just collateral damage in his mindless campaign to destroy the president.