Lil’ Kim missed out on ‘Thong Song?’ Her worst career moments

Lil' Kim missed out on ‘Thong Song?’ Her worst career moments

Lil’ Kim revealed in a recent interview that she missed an opportunity to appear on one of the ’90s biggest and most ridiculous hit songs. Speaking to MTV, Kim said that former Def Jam CEO Lyor Cohen asked her to appear on Sisqo’s “Thong Song.” But some advice from Sean “Diddy” Combs (back when he was still “Puffy”) wound up killing her opportunity.

“A long time ago, when I was with Puffy— ’cause Puffy managed me, but he also was basically the label,” she said. “Puffy was my everything — everybody know [sic] that. He did mostly everything for me. But a long time ago [record executive] Lyor [Cohen], and I love Lyor; he was always somebody I looked up to. [He] used to run Def Jam and he also came to my label Atlantic later on so that’s how we got closer.”

“But before, when [Lyor] was at Def Jam, he called me to be on the Sisqo ‘Thong Song’ and at that time I was trying to be a business woman, but I was a baby,” Kim admitted. “I didn’t know what I was doing, so I was listening to whoever was around me that I looked up to. Puffy was giving me all the advice in the world.”

“So I wanted Redman and Method Man to be on Cease’s next single because he had done a record with them and I needed clearance for them and [Lyor] kept telling me ‘no,’ ” she explained, revealing that it was Combs who told her to play hardball with Cohen. “I’m like, ‘Cease needs this right now.’ … And he was like, ‘But I want you to be on this single that I have with Sisqo coming out.’ The ‘Thong Song’ wasn’t out yet, and I was like, ‘OK, I’ll do it, [if you give me clearance’ [for Cease’s song]. He was like, ‘No.’ ”

Her attempts at playing the hard-nosed businesswoman were the result of Diddy’s advice. Of course, Lyor moved on and Sisqo released “Thong Song” without her.

But missing out on “Thong Song,” isn’t too much of a regret, especially when you consider the Queen Bee’s other career lowlights that have happened since …

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