How Mardis Gras set marketing whiz Bryant Thompson’s career in motion

bryant thompson

Red Level Entertainment’s Bryant Thompson went to New Orleans during Mardi Gras in the late ’90s and he was hooked. The partier-turned-promoter was amazed at how many people the party attracted and had stars in his eyes. If party planning was this successful in New Orleans, he knew it could be also in his Chicago hometown.

Thompson didn’t strike gold the first time around — attracting only 50 people, including family and friends, not the anticipated 300 partygoers, but he didn’t give up. He’s promoted parties, comedy shows and poetry sets like Wild, Wild Wednesdays, the Urban Hang Suite and open mic events, Monday Madness, at the Dating Game.

The name red level is equivalent to “premier, red carpet events.” Red Level Entertainment specializes in online marketing (eBlast campaigns, social media management, website promotions and list management) and viral marketing (print advertising, street teams and event planning).

Read what he has to say.

What inspires you to show up at work every day?
I’m inspired to show up for work is the opportunity to provide a better quality of life for myself and family.

How did you determine your career path?
I followed in the steps of my father who was an entrepreneur. I chose marketing after promoting parties and nightclubs in my early 20s and expanded my reach to offer my services to a broad market to include corporate companies.

Describe the future skill sets that are essential to future business leader and innovators.
Technology to help advance your company with a minimum carbon imprint on the Earth is definitely skill that should be learned. Studying the future technology and green efficient trends are essential to future business leaders and innovators.

Define innovative methods you apply to your business and life.
I use software and apps such as Ezine Director and Hootsuite to schedule communication with my subscribers, friends, fans and followers. Being able to share a message when your audience is online is key to delivering an effective online marketing campaign.

Describe goal-setting methods you use and how you evaluate your success.
I set goals quarterly and yearly. I set a date and time, create an outline, and work backward from that date and time.

Who do you consider your peers in you field and a few that are great examples for support and best practices?
My peers would other media outlets, online marketing and ad agencies [that] include Steed Media, Liquid Soul Media, BlackNLa, NightLife Magazine, 1st Impression Magazine, CityAlert, Bean Soup Times and Midwest Gap.


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