What role do music and culture play in your self-identity?
Music and culture nurtures my soul and spirit. I only consume positive and uplifting programming, so it complements a positive, healthy, and vibrant self-image and identity.
Define your personal culture.
My culture is an eclectic expression of faith, beliefs, traditions, art, music, entertainment, education, community, and connections rooted in African American and African customs, norms, values and mōres that celebrate our unique history, triumphs, while seeking to overcome our deepest struggles.
Describe your favorite vacation spot.
I love tropical vacations! I believe Turks and Caicos has been my favorite to date. However, as a new transplant to southern California, I am focused on exploring the entire state of California. There is so much to see, do, and experience in this awe-inspiring state filled with amazing mountains, valleys, deserts, thriving cities and communities along the Pacific Ocean.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Love would prevail . . . We all would truly love one another.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would no longer be disappointed or deterred by the apathy in our community.