Bravo’s ‘The New Atlanta’ viewing party hosted by Vawn Sims

THE NEW ATLANTA Vawn's viewing party 013 CME 3000 _Sept2013
Jevon ‘VAWN’ Sims, cast of Bravo’s The New Atlanta hosted a viewing party at Atlanta’s newest hot spot, Suite. The series follows the next generation of the city’s trailblazing young professionals who are hungry to achieve their dreams and find love as they struggle to resolve heartbreaks from the past. Aggressive in both their professional and personal lives, each hopes to make their mark in the cutthroat industries of fashion, music, event planning and business while taking advantage of Atlanta’s hot social scene. Check out more pictures of the Atlanta socialites who attended. What are your thoughts on the show? –Joi Pearson @JoiAPearson
Photo Credit: Chris Mitchell / CME3000
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