President Obama gets blamed for everything it seems. He gets heat for the economy, jobs, Obamacare and crime among a host of other issues. Now he’s taking the blame for a man burning down his own home.
Minnesota police responded to a house fire started by a crazed man who said he started it because the CIA and President Obama have turned him into a half man/half robot.
Minnetonka, Minn. firefighters found Ronald Bailey, 49, standing at the edge of his driveway with his house engulfed in flames behind him. When authorities asked him what happened, he allegedly said, “You should know, you did this, the CIA implanted a computer in my brain and body.”
According to the criminal complaint, Bailey asked firefighters to let him know when they were done so he could “start the rest of my house on fire.” He also asked, “What do I have to do, how big of a bomb do I have to build before the police respect me?”
Bailey reportedly told officers he’s the first “first half-man/half-robot created by the government,” and while he was being hauled to HCMC for treatment for a mental health emergency, Bailey “blamed ‘Obama’ and the ‘CIA’ for burning his house down, blamed his father, and threatened to burn down his entire neighborhood after getting released,” Patch, citing the criminal complaint, reports.
Despite the fact that Bailey is prohibited from possessing a firearm, Bailey allegedly had ammunition in his pocket when authorities arrived. An automatic handgun was found in his charred house, but no one was injured.
The government’s “first half-man/half-robot” was charged with first-degree arson and unlawfully possessing a firearm.