50 Cent clears the air on possible album with Pharrell and G-Unit reunion


During a Q & A session with fans on his site thisis50.com, rapper 50 Cent took the time to clear up a few rumors that were in the air.

When asked last year during an interview with Complex Magazine about the possibility of doing an album with 50, Pharrell gave a favorable response that left the door open to the possibility. 50 on the other hand pretty much put to rest that notion in no uncertain terms:

“I respect Pharrell as a producer and like a lot of material from different people. But I haven’t had a project come out with one producer,” said 50. “I’m flattered that Complex would put that out publicly, but when you guys say what you would want, I don’t give a f*** what you would want.”

Next 50 was asked about a possible G-Unit reunion. Although he more or less gave the impression that he could be down for it, he made it clear which former member would not be invited:

“It’ll never be five. That’ll never happen,” 50 said. “I’ll never work with Game.”

When asked about Young Buck rejoining the fold, 50 says he needs to show some effort before that can be considered:

“If they are not moving and waiting for you to do it, that means you actually did the work. So it’s like, ‘you can call me when you’re ready to work for me.’ If they are sustaining energy and building their own thing, we’re talking a different thing.”

Love him or hate him, you can pretty much always count on 50 to give it to you straight.

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