The George Zimmerman-DMX boxing match will be fixed

dmx zimmerman

The millions of people whose blood pressure rose regarding the George Zimmerman-DMX “celebrity” boxing match should relax themselves now. The so-called three-round fight will be a hoax.

Yes, the fight will be fixed with promoter Damon Feldman as the producer of this national fraud of a boxing match.

Feldman is joining forces with George Zimmerman in shamelessly profiting off Trayvon Martin’s dead body in a match that will be nothing more than sheer entertainment and moneymaking event for a man who got away with murder.

Feldman was charged by the attorney general in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania with six counts of fixing fights and staging boxing matches without a proper promoter’s license in 2010, according to the Philadelphia Enquirer. He came to national renown for staging celebrity boxing matches, including those of former baseball star Jose Conseco and 70s sitcom star-turned-drug-addict Danny Bonaduce.

When he was hauled before the court for fight fixing, Feldman pleaded no contest, the Philadelphia Daily News reported. Feldman also did not deny that those “celebrity” matches of former stars on the downside of their careers had planned outcomes:

“I classify myself as the WWE of boxing. The bottom line is I give formerly famous people the chance to step in the ring, they’re not gonna kill each other. It’s 100 percent entertainment,” said Feldman, who also staged fights with the infamous figure skater Tonya Harding and Willie Aames, to name a few contestants.

Even Feldman’s lawyer, while defending him during that 2010 court case, confirmed the fights were fake:

“It’s similar to sports entertainment that the WWE engages in. That’s how Damon’s promoted this for as long as I have been associated with him,” said Feldman’s attorney Bob Bush asked whether Feldman’s fights were fixed.”

So, you see, Zimmerman was never going to take a fight with a menacing mauler like the 6-foot-5, 240-pound rapper The Game, a known street fighter with an aversion to rules and convention. He would take pleasure in inflicting significant, if not permanent, damage on Zimmerman. Zimmerman is no fool. A coward, yes, but not an idiot.

To further the point, a Philly Mag reporter who was writing a profile on Feldman during the time of his court case in 2010 had this to say about the Rodney King celebrity fight that he promoted:

“Now they’re up in the ring, and there’s the bell. Either ex-cop Aouad is a lot more bark than bite, or he’s not bringing 100 percent. In the third round, King swivels him with a left hook to the head, then nearly knocks him down. And it’s over. King wins by decision. In the ring, he’s awarded the Celebrity Boxing Federation heavyweight title belt.”

Any questions?

Not only will Feldman and Zimmerman profit off of Trayvon Martin’s death — that’s the only reason Zimmerman is famous is because he hunted down, started a fight with and killed an unarmed teenager who was minding his own business  — but it will be a completely fake fight. And if DMX is aware of this and participates, he will have Trayvon Martin’s blood on his hands as well.


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