Sex-crazed woman jumps naked from teen’s window

Keri Gonzalez
Keri Gonzalez, age 35, jumped out the teen’s window.

What would you do if you heard the headboard banging against the wall in rhythm at 2 a.m. in your teen’s room?

Well, one mom went to see what was going on and was shocked by her discovery. At first, her 15-year-old son would not open the door. However, when he did, she saw a woman crouched on the floor naked trying to hide in the shadows. The mom yelled get out and Keri Gonzalez, age 35, jumped out the teen’s window.

But wait, there’s more; she came back 30 minutes later because she broke her ankle during the window jump.  The boy’s mother recognized Gonzalez as a family acquaintance that she told to stay away from her son previously. Somehow avoiding a beat down from the mom she left once again, this time limping away before the police eventually caught up with her. During police questioning she admitted she waited until the teen’s mom went to sleep and snuck into the house. Gonzalez then stated, she and the teen got drunk and had sex twice before being discovered.

Gonzalez was arrested for sexual misconduct with minor and providing false information to police. She was booked into the Pinal County, AZ jail.  Sheriff Paul Babeuf issued a statement, “This case is an example of how serious law enforcement takes any allegation of sexual abuse against a child. The overwhelming majority of minors sexually abused are abused by someone they know and trust. Most people think of males committing sex crimes against females, but this case is just as serious as it deals with an adult female committing the sex crime against a juvenile male.”

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