Al Sharpton meets with U.S. attorney to seek justice for Eric Garner


Rev. Al Sharpton and family members of Eric Garner met with Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lunch in attempt to make their case for a federal investigation into Garner’s death at the hands of an NYPD police officer. Garner was killed last month after he was placed in a chokehold and suffocated by officer Daniel Pantaleo after Garner had been accused of illegally selling cigarettes in front of a beauty shop on Staten Island. Sharpton indicated that Lynch had not given the family any answer in regards to what would happen next as far as an investigation into Garner’s death.

“[Lynch] was very open as to the questions of the family and said she understood, but quite naturally would never give a direct answer at this time. She did, however, say that they are reviewing and monitoring what is going on in the state proceeding thus far and would get back to the family,” Sharpton told media at the U.S. Attorney’s office in downtown Brooklyn. “But the fact that she took the meeting is a good signal that it is being taken seriously,” Sharpton added.

Rev. Sharpton also explained that there is no criticism on his part towards Daniel Donovan, the Staten Island District Attorney who will be convening a special grand jury to determine whether or not criminal charges should be filed. Additionally, a Staten Island judge has ordered that autopsy report and emergency room records be turned over to former city medical examiner Michael Baden within 20 days.

Dr. Michael Baden recently performed an independent autopsy on Michael Brown, the 18-year-old who was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, just weeks after Garner’s death.

Rev. Sharpton’s National Action Network has announced the “We Will Not Go Back March,” which will take place Saturday. The march is expected to start at 11 a.m. at Bay Street and Victory Boulevard, near where Garner died in July; and go to Stuyvesant Street, the location of the district attorney’s office.

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