Certified personal trainer Leon Williams discusses his calling as ‘minister of health’

Leon WilliamsLeon Williams
NASM,Cooper Certified, LMT
Survivor Fitness And Relaxation

What type of services do you offer?
A variety of wellness services to probe the mind and transform the structure of a person from within including:

  • Personal, one-on-one training
  • Group fitness
  • Mobile massage therapy — Yes we will fly to you, drive to you , or have you escorted to your tranquility.
  • Stretch therapy
  • Youth performance specialist
  • Customized nutritional meal preparation

As a certified professional, what inspired you to get in the health and fitness business?

Health and Fitness has always been a part of my life from the age of 10.

It was my outlet for my anger and feelings of neglect.

It soon became a burning passion in my spirit. As we look out at the world, we as people all have opinions of one thing or another and what I have found to be true is we judge ourselves most of the time by the actions and responses of others and the main people we surround ourselves with. One day I was sitting outside this grocery store in Atlanta and saw this gentleman walk out the store and he was approx. 5 feet 7 inches, 400 plus pounds. I remember saying to myself “he seems to have very few friends and if that was me I would be miserable and not want to live.” From that day forward my goal in life was to help others desire to live and live with energy and excitement.

I further realized in 2008 that my calling in life was to be a minister of health and I was gifted with the gift of healing through my words, action,and mere touch. When I became a massage therapist,  I became more in tune with the inner energy of a being and the connection of such beautiful structure (our bodies).

What was a determining factor in you traveling to provide services for your clients?

People now days are more mobile and lazy at the same time so I began to look for ways to service people through convenience based on their schedule and whenever they desired. I believe in providing each person with an option and making it so accessible that you can’t not want to do something about it or desire to experience it. Why? Because it is at your doorstep knocking, waiting for you to invite us in.

What’s sets your massage therapy services apart from others?

Our services are unique in many ways but the most popular of the group is the concierge relational services. No matter where you are we will come to you or with you on your trip. No matter whether you feel like driving or not we will send our customized car service to come get you in connection with Uber of Dallas.

What made you connect massage therapy and personal training?

When I chose to eliminate the excuses and understood that the process of a thing may bring much pain and many frustrating moments but once the process has been completed, there is relaxation at the end. I had a client in 2007 that was having some trouble with spasms in her left shoulder. During our conversation I began to palpate her rotator cuff and found various trigger points and began to decompress them one by one. This client later explained how this pain she was experiencing had been an ongoing pain for the past eight years for her. “I knew nothing about massage therapy at the time!”

She reported to me three weeks later that she had not had any pain since I manipulated that muscle.

It was that day I came to the realization that I need to learn more because I was naturally gifted at eliminating pain and enhancing mobility not only physically but mentally also.

What type of person makes a good client?

  • A good client is one who is sure of their weakness or ignorance they may have to a particular field.
  • A good client is one who is serious about their life and time they have.
  • A good client understands they must educate and participate in their own improvement.
  • A good client is anyone seeking change and has accepted the responsibility of the duty that change requires.
  • A good client comes in many different types but it is not the good that makes the client, it is the desire to be or become better that makes us as people good clients to the world!

What is the most challenging obstacle that you had to overcome?

As a person I would have to say my past life. I was convicted of three felonies back in late 2008 and was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in a Texas prison for making some wrong choices and hanging with the wrong crowed as a young adult. During that experience I learned a lot about myself but it was also a time of revelation that allowed me more understanding or why I chose to become a personal trainer and massage therapist. I recognized at that time that I was born to be a counselor, a healer, a minister,and a teacher of total body wellness. It has been a hard journey overcoming obstacles like not knowing where I was going to live or how I would obtain a job to support me and my son Garren. I recall days where I spent months sleeping in my car and showering at 24-Hour Fitness and I still operated like nothing was wrong. All of that made me who I am today so I wouldn’t take back any of it but, what I can say for all those out there that are experiencing the felon life, “Keep seeking growth and keep paying close attention to yourself and the emotions therein and know that we can’t be held back if we don’t want to be, but the system is designed for you to fail.” Question is, will you allow someone else to write your story or will you go recapture the pen and begin writing a new chapter.

What is your proudest professional achievement?

One day late April of 2013 I had a client on my table receiving a full body massage and upon her session completion she sat up on the table and cried like a mother who lost her child. As I walk back over and place my hand on her shoulder and say “it’s going to be okay,” she proceeds to tell me thank you, thank you … All I could do at that moment was pray with her. It was that day that I knew I was in the right business of healing, mentoring, and listening.

How can people reach you to experience your unique services in health and fitness?

For more email [email protected] or visit www.getsurvivorfit.com to schedule your concierge wellness assessment today.

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