Feds make decision on prosecution of officer in Michael Brown’s death


U.S. Department of Justice lawyers have determined that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute Darren Wilson for civil rights violations. Wilson was under investigation for killing unarmed Black teen Michael Brown. Wilson escaped state charges when a St. Louis County grand jury also refused to indict the killer cop. Although the final word on whether charges will still go forward to trial would come from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, legal experts have stated that such a move would be highly unlikely.

Brown’s death set off rioting and civil protest in the town of Ferguson as residents decried the tactics of police they deemed to be racist. According to witnesses to the shooting, Brown had his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender and was gunned down and left in the street by police. Social media exploded with #Blacklivesmatter, #Iammikebrown and other slogans that marked the dawn of a new era in the cry for social justice in America.

The Justice Department will soon release a full report explaining the investigation and how it reached a decision. In the meantime, Wilson has left the Ferguson, Missouri, police department and has become a rich man from donations received by supporters. Wilson is living in an undisclosed location.

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