Myra Harris serves up recipes on how to get a man

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Myra Harris’ How to Get a Man: From the Kitchen, To the Bedroom, To the Ring is the perfect complement to Steve Harvey’s best-seller, Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and Harris’ newest book is the woman’s guide to taking care of her man.  How to Get a Man’s recipes are reminiscent of a mixtape featuring your favorite love songs with recipes like Spend My Life with You Mini Hamburgers, My First Love Red Velvet Waffles with Here I Stand Buttermilk Fried Chicken Tenders and Breathe Again Cream Cheese Glaze.

Rolling out recently spoke to Harris about her latest project.

What is the mission you set out to accomplish with this book? 

Again, I want our young ladies to know that there is more to a relationship than sex. I also want to inspire couples to remember the lost art of courtship. I am a romantic and think we all can use a little more love in our lives. Every future book that I write will be in support of love!

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What was the hardest part of completing this project? 

The hardest part was being patient. As a new author, you are excited and unintentionally become impatient when you are unfamiliar with the process. But, because I had a seasoned publisher that educated me on the entire book development/publishing process, it helped me calm down. Everything takes time — the photo shoot, multiple reviews by the editor, graphic artist, etc. Thanks, Gwen!

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything about your latest work? 

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I am very happy with the end product.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing or coming up with a concept for your book? 

I can think back 25 years or so and remember discussing that somewhere in my lifetime I would like to write a book, as I’ve always had an adventurous life.  Would it focus on my romances, my love for cooking and baking or my travels? On a special morning in March 2014, I decided that I was going to bring the book writing aspiration to fruition and in three months, How to Get a Man … From the Kitchen, to the Bedroom, to the Ring – Recipes and Fantasies was born.

The most challenging thing about writing my book was creating a catchy title for it; one that would make any reader want to peek inside. As it relates to the actual writing, that was a piece of cake for me. It’s funny how God equips us with the tools that we need to be successful, without us even knowing and it was helpful writing about a subject that I am so passionate about. I’ve been avidly writing in a professional capacity, for which I’ve developed training curriculum, standard operating procedures, and other technical documentation for several prominent law firms and the government for the past eight  years or so and I can honestly say that I love writing. I knew in my heart that God was preparing me to be an author.

As it relates to the concept of the book, that was easy too. I love cooking, baking, looking sexy and being romantic with that special someone. I just felt that it was time to put my thoughts on paper, so that it might help single and married women add excitement to their relationships, while having fun at the same time.  Like the saying goes, the way to a man’s heart, truly is through his stomach!

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Describe the process of getting published.

My process was a little different, as I knew the publisher when she was publishing children’s books about 14 years ago, when I lived in Atlanta. However, we lost contact and reconnected just last year on LinkedIn. I told Gwen about my book project and she became excited. We scheduled a meeting; she flew into D.C. and we discussed the overall book process, including publishing, the cover design and distribution.  She is very creative and knowledgeable.  It has truly been a blessing working with LeTay Publishing.

What advice would you give other writers? 

I would recommend that you find a publisher who not only believes in your book, but believes in you as well. [That support] goes a long way. Don’t give up or take it personally if your book doesn’t get published. The right time and the right support are critical factors as well.


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