Empowerment Radio Network founder David Anderson

Photo Courtesy: David Anderson

David Anderson talks coaching and entrepreneurship

What is your mission statement?

Empowerment Radio Network focuses is on the development and transfer of generational wealth in and within the African American community.

What three skill sets are critical for the future executive that you hire for your organization?

They must:

  • Be coachable
  • Understand the fundamentals of broadcasting and internet technology
  • Have the ability to develop and close prospective business and strategic partnerships

How does having an advanced degree benefit you and your clients?

Considering the fact that I do not hold an advanced degree, clients benefit from our extensive knowledge base in broadcasting & entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur for the last 20 years and Business Loan Broker for the last 10 years, I have developed specialized skill sets in entrepreneurship, which are very specific to the success of entrepreneurs and business owners.

How do you utilize technology to benefit your organization?

Technology is paramount to the success of our organization. We have built an audio information super highway using the Internet as the backbone of our networking system. I personally brought in a dedicated fiber circuit (direct to the central office) into our Atlanta headend in an effort to mitigate packet loss.

David Anderson with President Barack Obama
David Anderson with President Barack Obama (Photo Courtesy: David Anderson)

Finish the sentences:

Team work is important because …

You cannot build a successful business by yourself… -David M. Anderson, Sr.
It takes team work to make the dream work… -George C. Fraser
No man is an Island unto himself… -Jim Rohn

The best way to recruit great talent is …

Hold interest meetings or workshops in different cities where you can control the environment and highlight your company on a Saturday morning or afternoon.
Pull out radio ads; let people in for free; tell your story; share your vision!
The talent will come to you!

Speaking a second language is important because…

Communication is essential to business; it is the basis of how thought is conveyed.

My son speaks several languages and is currently a translator for a Japanese corporation here in the USA.

What social media platforms do you engage in the most?

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

What professional organizations do you support?

Atlanta Business League
Operation HOPE
Bronner Business Institute

Describe your networking style.

I am a student of the “University of George C. Fraser’s Power Networking Conference,” which I have attended for the last ten years. My networking style can be described as beast mode. The best way to generate contacts is to be a resource or have knowledge or a database that people are interested in.

If you were giving a graduation speech to college students what would the title of your speech be and give three reasons why.

The title would be “Don’t get a JOB… Create WORK… FOCUS ON A SKILL SET”

Three reasons why:

J.O.B. stands for Just Over Broke

The US DEBT (www.usdebtclork.org) is over 18 Trillion dollars (divided by 400 million people in the USA) everyone owes the FED 50k (only 1/3 of Americans pay taxes)

Therefore that 1/3 owes 150k to eradicate the National Debt. In addition to personal student loan debt, mortgage debt, and personal debt the average American is in DEBT 500k+ and has no real plan to generate the income to be free from that. For this reason you have to CREATE WORK!

Practice generating multiple streams of income

Name your two favorite vacation destinations to relax and recharge and share why.

Hacienda, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico… the view and the Quarto Letche’ are insane

Nygard Cay, Lyford Cay, Nassau, New Providence Bahamas

What are you reading and your two favorite books.

Laptop Millionaire by Mark Anastasi
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Name three business leaders and political leaders who inspire you.

George C. Fraser, FraserNet, PowerNetworking Conference, Cleveland, Ohio
Peter Nygard, Nygard International, Nassau Bahamas
Michael V. Roberts, Roberts Companies, Inc., St. Louis, MO

Favorite sports team and hobbies

Traveling #blackanthonybourdain,
Building Broadcast Suites

Two favorite quotes that motivate you?

“Own nothing, control everything.” –John D. Rockefeller
“The people perish due to lack of knowledge and information.” (Hosea 3:6)

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