Who knew that attending church could be so expensive? A single mother from Tampa, Florida, may have to use her rent money in order to continue attending a certain church.
According to WFTS-TV, Candace Petterson began attending Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church in February 2015.
However, she recently received a notice from the church which claims that she owes $1,000 and must pay in order to remain a member. The church requires that members pay a $50 monthly fee along with a $250 anniversary fee and $150 Mount Moriah Day fee.
Moreover, the church wanted Petterson’s kids to pay up, too. Her 11-year-old daughter was required to pay $5 per month and two annual $15 fees.
Petterson posted her $1,000 bill from the church on her Facebook page and was blasted by some church members who viewed her act as being a “disobedient” Christian.
The church maintains that the money is used to pay off the church’s debt. However, it’s illegal for a church to require members to tithe if the church is tax exempt.
Petterson is currently looking for a new place of worship.