Why did you decide to be a model and actor?
Modeling was introduced to me as a kid at the age of 15. My parents put me in modeling classes to help with my shyness and my public speaking. Acting was introduced to me later in life around the age 27; a director asked me to come and audition for a role in a stage play. Even though I didn’t have any acting experience, I went ahead and did the audition. Yes, I bombed it. But, it was an experience, and doors opened for me to learn more about the acting field.
The entertainment industry is tough. What keeps you motivated?
What keeps me motivated to keep on going in this industry is God and my passion for this industry. Don’t get me wrong, there have been several times I wanted to quit because of the stress behind it . But most importantly I feel that I am a role model to the younger generation and can inspire them to keep on going for their dreams and never give up no matter how hard the jump to accomplishment looks.
What type of acting training have you had?
To better myself in the acting field I have taken acting classes with Je’Caryous Johnson, and recently I have been taking classes with Charnele Brown. I have also done some stage plays and some other projects to learn more about the craft of acting.
What do you plan to do with your modeling career?
Modeling has opened doors for me in different parts of the industry. I plan to stay focused on the modeling career until another door opens.
What does success look like for you?
Success to me is more about reaching the platform of your goals. It’s more about putting all your hard work together and setting a goal and accomplishing it. Success is being free and looking back and saying, “Wow! I did it!” Success is not material things, money and fame. It’s more about accomplishing something and feeling good about it.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I can’t really tell you where I see myself in five years, because life changes things and you never know when your life will end. But, what I can tell you is what I see myself doing now, and that is working hard on accomplishing my goals. If my life ends and I never get a chance to reach those goals and accomplish them, at least I will be known for working hard to get to my goals.
What advice would you give someone who is considering following their dreams?
Life to me is all about happiness and feeling good about yourself and what you do. You will never experience life until you are happy within yourself and what you are doing. So stay focused and keep on striving to be the best at whatever you want to do in life! You only have one shot, but several rounds. So make sure that one shot is the best. Never let anybody bring you down. Stay firm to what you believe and enjoy the success.