Byron Suggs and Cool Smart Inc. raising funds for Detroit nonprofits

cool  inc photo of founders
Co-founders of Cool Smart Inc.: Jason Appling (left) and Byron Suggs (Photo courtesy of Posh PR & Events)

Rolling out spoke with Byron Suggs, the co-founder of Cool Smart Inc., about the organization’s philanthropic endeavors in the Detroit metropolitan area. Read on to find out what Cool Smart Inc. is doing now.

What is the vision for the nonprofit?

To educate youth and young professionals on the importance of philanthropy and to also create awareness to nonprofit organization in the metropolitan area.

In addition, we raise funds to provide financial support to nonprofit organizations, strengthening their reach within the community. We strive to develop innovative environments that increase participation within communities by connecting people and philanthropic initiatives.

Who are the immediate beneficiaries of the services you provide?

We look to benefit any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization within the Detroit metropolitan area that is in need of assistance.

What are the best practices you have found for developing programs?

Discover a need, and then try to fulfill it using our knowledge and resources.

What are the two most important ways you generate revenue to sustain your nonprofit?

Fundraising and sponsorship.

Do you fund other nonprofits?


What are the three areas that you focus on to help society?

Donating funds, volunteering and educating.

How do you utilize technology to serve your benefactors and to communicate your mission?

We primarily use social media tools such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to promote our organization. We have a large following and this is the best method for us to engage with the community.

When did you decide that being a nonprofit professional spoke to your career goals?

The moment we realized that many nonprofits in the metro area were not receiving the exposure they needed to succeed long term. While doing research on other nonprofits, we discovered dozens of nonprofits with amazing missions [and] visions, and wanted to help spread their reach. In addition to the increased exposure, we enjoy raising funds to give back to the community.

What are three of the nonprofit leaders whose work you respect and appreciate?

Ken Donaldson, Shawn Blanchard, Sean Anderson (Big Sean)

Finish the sentences:

My work is fulfilling because ... We are passionate about helping others and giving back to our community. We want to see everyone succeed, so being able to assist others means the world to us.

Giving to a social cause is good because … It’s the right thing to do. You’re assisting those that are in need and in return they can continue their service to the community.

I want to make a difference for humanity because … It is important to us and we love our city. Detroit still has a ways to go in its rebuilding process, and we want to contribute in every way possible. Nonprofits are a staple of the community and we want to make a huge impact within the metro area. We plan to make this happen through educating the younger community, increasing exposure of nonprofits and raising more funds to donate to nonprofits.

Your two favorite vacation spots to recharge?

Las Vegas, Miami

What four things do you place in your bags when you take a trip?

Clothes, hygiene products, headphones, laptop

Name two types of music you listen to on a trip.

Hip-hop, pop

Two quotes that you live by?

Be great! Never settle.

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