Woman kills female because victim ‘didn’t believe in God’

Anitra Braxton_
photo: maricopa county jail

A woman in Phoenix decided to kill another woman over religious beliefs. According to Arizona Republic, Anitra Braxton and the victim were at her home prior to the attack.

At some point, Braxton shot the female victim in the eye because the woman apparently didn’t believe in God. The victim’s body remained on the couch for three days until authorities arrived. When police asked Braxton if anyone was in the home, she responded by saying that she was alone. But police where able to enter the apartment and found the victim laying in her own blood with a towel over her face. Braxton responded by saying that God told her to read the book of Jeremiah.

It’s apparent that Braxton suffers from mental issues. But this is another case of the mentally ill being allowed to get their hands on a gun. Despite laws that are set up to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, guns are too easy to obtain in America. This nation has a thirst for violence and it will continue until lawmakers look at the truth and realize how guns are destroying the fabric of this nation.

Members of the NRA will continue to claim that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” But if guns weren’t so easy to access, those people who they are referring to would not have the tools to kill.

Braxton has been charged with first degree murder and has a $759,000 bond.

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