It was quite the shocker last night on the “Love & Hip Hop” reunion when Amina Buddafly revealed that she’s pregnant, once again, with her husband, Peter Gunz’s, child. Not surprisingly, fans were clamoring over the news and have been talking about it non-stop online ever since the episode aired. Now, Amina is opening up about the pregnancy and where she stands with Peter.
As fans of the show know, Amina had a rocky time with Peter last year thanks to their ongoing love triangle with Peter’s ex-girlfriend and part-time lover, Tara Wallace. And things became deeply complicated and painful when both Wallace and Amina became pregnant with Peter’s child around the same time.
Although Wallace decided to keep her baby, whom she recently gave birth to, a son named Gunnar, Amina decided to terminate her pregnancy, claiming her dysfunctional marriage with Peter was the reason she didn’t want to bring another child into the world with him.
However, after last night’s pregnancy revelation, it’s clear that Amina had a change of heart. And after the episode aired, she posted a photo of her baby bump on her Instagram page and opened up about why she decided to have another baby with Peter.
“There is one reason and one reason only why I got pregnant again. Actually there is no ‘I’ in this, its ‘WE’! But since i am the one carrying: ‘I Got pregnant again because I made love to the man I love.’ Now y’all can debate on why we did it until ya hair turns grey.. I feel good knowing that WE know and you just ‘think’ you know… A baby does not keep a man and being spiteful does not make you a winner! This is not a game. This is my life. But No matter what the circumstances were and are, I now feel happy to be expecting again and even happier to know I have the best baby daddy I could ask for. @petergunz174 I love you 4ever and I will never be scared to show or say it because of people. #babyBX,” Amina wrote.
Well, we wish Amina the best with her pregnancy, but we’d be lying if we said we weren’t still worried about her marriage with Peter.