A historic number of black women spanning generations and professions were recently sworn in to establish the National Council of Negro Women Greater Atlanta Section; a clear indication that millennials are dedicated to carrying on NCNW’s commitment to improving the quality of life for women of African descent and their families. Family, friends, local politicians and civil rights legends filled the pews at Ben Hill United Methodist Church to witness the largest chartering ceremony in the organization’s rich history.
NCNW chair, Ingrid Saunders Jones, proclaimed, “NCNW is alive and well.”
“It is my pleasure to certify you as a community-based section of NCNW. You are joining at a very significant time in the organizations history. Today issues facing women of African descent are serious and urgent. ” The former Coca-Cola executive continues, “I look forward to working with all of you as we focus on education, health, financial literacy and entrepreneurship. We’re please to have Janice Mathis as our new executive director. Her leadership will propel us into the future, as will your leadership.”

The NCNW Greater Atlanta Section has identified several areas of focus including: education, human and sexual trafficking and assisting foster care youth who age out of the system and often become homeless and civic engagement.
“When we announced that we were creating a new section to embrace the greater Atlanta communities the response was remarkable,” says Diane Powell-Larche’, founding president of NCNW Greater Atlanta Chapter. “Atlanta area women are eager to continue the 81-year legacy of our beloved founder, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune and long time leader, Dr. Dorothy Irene Height of empowering, motivating, and supporting black women, children, families and our community.” The Greater Atlanta Section includes Fayette, Fulton, Cobb, Clayton, Douglas, Henry and Gwinnett counties.
Fulton County Commission Chairman, Dr. John H. Eaves, presented a proclamation declaring March 20 NCNW Greater Atlanta Day in Fulton County. Eaves also commended the group on their long rich history and urged the women to compete for community-oriented grants that become available.
Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King, daughter of the late civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King and a member of the new NCNW section delivered the welcome address saying we have to work for a more peaceful world. “Time is of the essence so let’s get moving,” she said.
Patricia Russell-McCloud, J.D., noted author and orator, was on hand to present the charter charge. “Paging Greater Atlanta Section because there is work to be done. It’s time to not only talk about it but be about it. African American families are fractured. Be mission minded. Don’t major in the minor. Be prepared. And sisters, be a sister to your sister, when you get to the 46th floor be willing to send the elevator back down. Until all of us have made it, none of us have made it.”
NCNW is a Washington, D.C.-based international non-profit organization making a difference in the lives of nearly four million women, children and families throughout the world through research, advocacy, and community-based services and programs. The organization was founded in 1935 by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune. Dr. Dorothy Irene Height, President Emerita, led the organization for more than fifty years before passing in 2010. For more information, please visit www.greateratlantancnw.org. Email at[email protected], follow on Twitter: @greateratlncnw, Face Book: NCNW Greater Atlanta Section and Instagram @greateratlantancnw.