50 Cent was in major hot water with the autism community earlier this week when he posted a video of himself unknowingly mocking an autistic teenager. Not surprisingly, 50 had to eat his words and apologize for the goof up. However, 50’s scandal ended up inspiring fellow public villain Martin Shkreli to donate money to an autism advocacy group on behalf of the family of the autistic teen. And now reports have revealed that 50 has one upped Shkreli with a major donation of his own.
As previously reported, the drama all began when 50 posted and then deleted a video on Instagram of him making fun of a 19-year-old Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport worker named Andrew Farrell as he followed the young man and claimed he was high on drugs.
Afterwards, 50 learned that the young man was autistic and after being threatened with a lawsuit from Farrell’s family, 50 publicly apologized for the inappropriate video. Farrell’s family asked 50 if he could donate $10K to the autism advocacy group Autism Speaks, but before 50 responded, infamous former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli gave $10K to Farrell’s family as seed money for a GoFundMe page.
Shkreli also pledged to use his companies to further research into providing better treatments for autism patients.
Never one to be outdone, 50 finally gave a response to the Farrell family’s monetary request and announced that he’s giving $100K to Autism Speaks, according to media reports.
50 spoke about the donation and explains that he wants to turn his mistake into a teachable moment for the entire world.
“I want to turn this misunderstanding into an understanding. There are people that are ignored, mistreated and neglected with disabilities that need our support,” 50 said.
50 also urged other celebrities to lend their voices and resources to supporting the cause for autism advocacy.
“I am calling on my fellow musicians, actors, entertainers and all others who may not have fully considered this cause to join together to help in any way they can,” 50 said.
Well, 50 may have messed up royally before, but this is definitely taking multiple steps forward in the right direction on his part.