In April 2015, Ebony Monique Dickens, 38, posted the following on Facebook under the name Tiffany Milan:
“All Black ppl should rise up and shoot at every white cop in the nation starting NOW.I condone black on white killings. Hell they condone crimes against us. I’ve thought about shooting every white cop I see in the head until I’m either caught by the police or killed by them. Ha!!!! I think I can pull it off. Might kill at least fifteen tomorrow. I’m plotting now. They reading this sh** too right now. Freedom of speech tho. So when you can absolutely show me the 1st amendment where it explicitly says you can’t say “kill all cops,” then I’ll delete my status. Other than that…NOPE! Death to all white cops nationwide.”
People soon began reporting the post to Facebook and Dickens found herself in the East Point, Georgia jail, charged with dissemination of information related to terroristic threats. Dickens holds a Master’s degree in legal services and should have been aware of possible consequences. This past Saturday in a plea agreement with District Attorney Paul Howard’s office, Dickens made a public apology at Jackson Memorial Baptist Church. Dickens stated that the Facebook post was taken out of context and she stated, “It was not meant that way. I would never advocate for anyone to be harmed by anyone. That is not the person that I am … My apology is genuine and sincere because I know for a fact that I do not want anyone’s lives taken, anyone being harmed by something that I put on Facebook.”
Assembled at the church were various members of law enforcement and other community leaders who were receptive to her apology. Atlanta Police Union President Ken Allen stated, “When you put something that devastating and life threatening out, it could end in tragedy at any given time. What she posted could have. It didn’t happen here, luckily. Hopefully, Mrs. Dickens has learned a valuable lesson and we will not see her again.”
Based on her apology the district attorney has recommended that the charges against Dickens be dropped.