Why we hate George Zimmerman

(Photo credit: Seminole County Sheriff`s Office/UnitedGunGroup.Com Auction picture)
(Photo credit: Seminole County Sheriff`s Office/UnitedGunGroup.Com Auction picture)

People frequently say hate is a strong word but when it comes to child killer George Zimmerman, it’s not strong enough. Ever since he murdered unarmed Black teen Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida, he has proven himself a cold and calculated killer. Zimmerman has shown no remorse for his actions or sympathy for the family and has engaged in a series of actions that show he feels he is invulnerable. Unfortunately, the law has protected him every step of the way. His actions that fateful night helped to spawn the Black Lives Matter movement and put front and center the perception that young black males are to be feared. But it was actually George Zimmerman who needed to be feared. He called himself the “neighborhood watch” and stalked Trayvon that night and shot him dead even though a police dispatcher told him to wait for police.

Since then Zimmerman was allowed to walk free under Florida’s stand your ground law and was cheered on by racist supporters, he has been in and out of trouble with law enforcement from a domestic violence incident as well as a violent road rage encounter but no charges have ever been filed. Zimmerman has given many interviews where he states that if given the opportunity he would repeat his actions. He has flaunted his celebrity and racist demeanor to many and has constantly tried to profit off of the life he took that night. The past few weeks we have seen him taunt the parents of Trayvon Martin stating that “Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin did everything they could to capitalize on her son’s death. She was never a mother figure to him. Tracy Martin couldn’t have cared less about their son. He treated him like a dog without a leash.”

Zimmerman was finally able to capitalize on the murder of Trayvon by auctioning off the gun used in the murder for a payday of $120,K. The public is outraged with many people making comments in social media hoping that he would meet the same end as Trayvon and be found dead. People hate Zimmerman, not only because he killed Trayvon but also because he seems to enjoy the death of this young Black teen. He is a constant reminder that if you’re White and you claim you were in fear of your life, it’s safe to kill a Black person in America. His smiling, grinning face sticks in the collective throat of many Black people in this country and sadly we realize that there will be no true justice for Trayvon or punishment for Zimmerman.

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