Scott Carlton talks fatherhood and daddy-daughter dances

Scott Carlton and his daughters
Scott Carlton and his daughters (Photo courtesy of the Carlton family)

A vast majority of the violence that has taken place in urban areas across America is a result of the lack of guidance and the presence of a father. A father represents strength, stability and love. The absence of these traits in the life of a young Black man can prove to be fatal.

Father’s Day is upon us and we are taking time to talk to the men who have stood up and done what is necessary to raise their children. We asked a few questions and the common theme is love. Love moves mountains. We honor and respect these men for what they do. 

We spoke with Scott Carlton about being a dad. You can tell by his responses that he genuinely loves his family and is looking to build a lasting legacy.

Describe what makes being a father special.

What makes being a father special is when I come home and see the joy on their faces.. And when turning the key in the door I can hear their feet running, [and hear them] yelling, “daddy’s home!”

What is a father’s mission?

The mission is to protect above all else because he is the king of his fortress also to support not just in the financial area … [but] emotional support as well, that’s important.

What would you share with a new father about reading to his child?

I would share with them that [it] is the most fun thing that you can do with your child, especially when you make it interesting and exciting and adventurous while they are learning!

How have you established trust with your child?

By never lying to them; giving them my word and coming through for them.

How do you play a role in the education of your children?

I teach them what they don’t learn in school.

Describe the best moment that allowed you to push forward because of something your child did or said.

The best moment that allowed me to push forward is when my child said she believes in me.

What have you learned about yourself because of your children?

I can get away with a lot more than they can.

What is your best memory as a father?

Wow, I have so many but I would have to say when we do the daddy-daughter dances.

Finish the sentences:

Being a father is … responsibility, patience, love and showing guidance.

Give whatever you did not get from your father because … the next generation should not have to suffer.

When I hug my child I feel … peace.

I teach my child … about the real world.

When I see my child my … heart melts and I see the potential and greatness in them.

Fathers should … always be present, always be teaching, always be protecting, always be loving.

I want my child to say my father … raised me, told me the truth, protected [and] still protects me. … And wanted me to be better than him.

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