Throughout the presidency of Barack Obama he has been subjected to racial stereotypes and bigotry. Now the recent comments of MSNBC host Brian Williams have many calling the journalist racist. While campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Charlotte, North Carolina, President Obama was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd. During one point in the president’s speech, he commented on the racist tone and rhetoric of Republican nominee Donald Trump. Someone in the crowd yelled out “preach” and a few moments later MSNBC lost its video and audio live feed.
Brian Williams apologized for the lost satellite feed and stated:
“The president was being urged by one member of the crowd to preach; and he seemingly tried to. At one point borrowing a Richard Pryor delivery to display his disgust and disdain for the other side his comments clearly aimed at Donald Trump …”
The reaction from Twitter was almost immediate for comparing Obama to the renowned and outspoken late comedian. However, Obama never used any of the profane language that Richard Pryor would be sure to use against a man like Donald Trump. Williams’ Twitter feed was soon filled with comments calling him a racist and a bigot.
“Brian Williams refers to Richard Prior [sic] while summarizing Prez Obama’s wrap up proves his white privilege and ineptness. –Rick Jenkins @Rickiejay”
“Richard Pryor delivery”? Really, Brian Williams? What the f— does that mean? –Terrell J. Starr @Russian_Starr
“@MSNBC Did you just let Brian Williams make a racist remark about POTUS on air? Seriously? How dare you! –Ellen Wilber @Ellen60”
The Twitter account for Brian Williams (@bwilliams) is now void of any comments from the news anchor. In addition the @MSNBC account no longer has any comments from users about the broadcast of Williams’ comments.