Being the 44th president of the United States isn’t easy. From balancing the state of the union to being a family man, there is no denying that Barack Obama has a full schedule. But like many successful leaders in the world, there is one major thing that keeps him on track — a great morning routine.
How you start your day will have lasting effects on how you run your business. But from organizing your busy schedule to completing a great workout, here are four things the president practices that will help get your head into gear every day:
Keep it simple and consistent
Although running a country is guaranteed to be chaotic, President Obama has a simple schedule that he uses. This includes a great workout, a cup of orange juice or water and getting five hours of sleep every night. A simple routine will not only develop discipline but room to focus on large tasks for the day. When creating your routine, choose an easy schedule that you are motivated to stick to.
Get up and moving
The president starts out with 45 minutes of cardio or weights in his gym. You will even see him toss some hoops before a big day or decision. Studies show that many people who work out regularly feel more empowered and positive about a healthy work-life balance. Exercising in the morning provides many benefits and is imperative to making sure you have the energy to give to your business. To start, walk or lightly jog. As your body gets more comfortable you can begin to add advanced workouts.
Block out the interwebs
In today’s society, many people are tethered to their cellphones. We eat, socialize and even sleep with them. It is no wonder why it’s easy for some of us to become engrossed with our email, social sites or texts as soon as we wake up. But the president cuts the noise by limiting his intake in the mornings. Before getting to the work, take time away from the world to center your mind and prepare for each day. This will help create a healthy and positive attitude for challenges you may face.
Prepare the night before
Want to know the true key to President Obama‘s morning routine success? He always prepares for his day the night before. He never leaves an assignment ignored and makes sure he sets up his schedule for the next day. This helps to eliminate wasted time on planning your day in the mornings. Try winding down earlier so that you can quickly jump into your routine when you wake up.
A presidential morning routine will create a presidential business in the new year. Challenge yourself to stick to one and you will discover how much you can accomplish.