Racist Trump supporter who called Michelle Obama an ape fired for her comments

via @pamela-ramsey-taylor Facebook

It took weeks, but a supporter of Donald Trump has finally been fired for her racist comments aimed at Michelle Obama.   Pamela Ramsey Taylor, a director at Clay County Development Corporation in West Virginia, used Facebook to vilify the first lady.

The nonprofit used government funds to provide services for the elderly and poor. But in order to maintain those government funds, the organization could not practice disrcimination in any form. Several issues were discovered after a probe and the nonprofit will be taken overt by the governor.

Following the presidential election, Taylor wrote on Facebook, “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape [sic] in heels.”

The post was then liked by the mayor of Clay, Beverly Whaling, who wrote, “Just made my day Pam” in the comments section.

The post soon went viral as Taylor’s racist views created an uproar. Although she deleted the post, Taylor was suspended from her position which is a partially government-funded nonprofit organization.

A petition surfaced to force Whaling to be terminated from her position as mayor. Whaling attempted to remove herself from the racist aspect of the post by saying, “My comment was not intended at all. I was referring to my day being made for change in the White House. I am truly sorry for any hard feelings this may have caused. Those who know me know that I’m not in any way racist.”

Whaling eventually stepped down as mayor. However, Taylor was initally allowed to return to her job on Dec. 23 after several weeks of being suspended. She will not return to work in 2017.

Since the election of Donald Trump, racists across the country have revealed themselves through words and actions. Along with racist posts on social media, hate crimes have increased since Election Day.

Trump has done little to condemn the racist acts that have taken place since his election.

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