Newlywed murder-suicide: Cedric Anderson fatally shoots wife, special needs kid

(((((Greenleaf Report))))))After watching Greenleaf with my wonderful little wife.She finally understands me and why I feel the way I do about many Black Churches and so called Pastors, especially those to whom Church is their entitlement to the family business and community money pot.

God’s people are their slaves, servants or just some thing to use.

In the Black Church we have seen over the past 20 years an influx of former gangsters, pimps, hoes and the simple minded (who know they have no business being called a minister) starting churches and even organizations.

The result is most Black churches and black church organizations are filled with witchcraft. The people’s faith is so damaged that they wouldn’t know the presence of God if he stood on their heads.

It’s simple – All Godliness is proceeded by humility to God and not a man.

Jesus said in Matthew 23:9 – “Call no man Father”?
I would say the “The Bishop/Pastor
/Apostole ” is neither your earthly father or your heavenly Father and should not be called father.

Holy Father is what Jesus called God the Father and should never be used to call anyone except God the Father.

I still call my earthly father, father but no one else.

The New Testament does not include allowing Christians to hold any man in that esteem. “It is Idolitry!”

Any true spiritual office or gift, Apostle, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, deacon, included is only another way that God edifies his Body.

The anointing comes with humility not arrogance and a “Brand!”

The prosperity message is total witchcraft and manipulation.

Jesus and the Apostles died without planes and Bentleys.

So many people have been brainwashed and hurt by this witchcraft. They are still, “Waiting on the blessing!”

It will never come because it was never God! They are just waisting their lives.

I had two ignorant lazy so called pastor’s ask me to just pay tithes to their churches for a year.

( In my mind I wanted to beat the Fu@! Out of both of those lazy, no job having niggas!)

Sorry my flesh rose up! LOL!

That’s just it! How did it get to the place that some of theses so called men and women of God are now so deceived that they believe that people owe their lazy ass money??

Ok Back to the message!

The brainwashed can’t let go because they, their grandparents, their parents have all spent a lot of money keeping the lies alive!

They are not free in Christ but filled with guilt, hurts and secrets that have crippled their life. So the stay!

They stay in that Bondage because they were taught or brainwashed into believing they if they support the Pastor no matter what- God is going to bless them!

It’s sad. Like the street gangs of our cities every pastor and church has their own banner or colors of Jesus.

I just pray for the and keep my guns close!

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