Maxine Waters calls out Trump appointees, Russia and greed

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Photo Source: Mo Barnes for Steed Media Service)
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Photo credit: Mo Barnes for Steed Media Service)

Congresswoman Maxine Waters expressed her concern and criticism of Trump appointees and was withering in her attacks. She said of HUD Sec. Ben Carson: “I can’t wait for him to appear before my committee. I’m gonna tear him apart! I will say, Dr. Carson they tell me you are a fine surgeon but sir, you don’t know anything about HUD. … If you are wise you will fold up your tent and go home. Don’t undermine the hard work we have done. … Take your tears and go someplace else.’ ” The assembled crowd erupted in applause and cheers at Waters’ statement.

She also did not spare U.S. Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions: “He comes from a time and an era where they kept people from voting” and she stated we should all be concerned about his position and the current investigations underway in the House and Senate into the Trump administration and its involvement with Vladimir Putin and the Russian oligarchs.

Waters expressed concern regarding the investigations: “Shut the House investigation down. [Devin] Nunes, (who is chair of the committee), has been caught in his lies.” Waters went on to say that she has more faith in the Senate investigation because of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. She declared that McCain has a score to settle with Trump. “Remember how he insulted him about being a prisoner of war in Vietnam? Don’t be fooled by the smile on McCain’s face. He’s gonna dig deep and connect the dots!”

Waters then turned her wrath on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: “Keep your eye on Tillerson! Why was he appointed? He has no experience in government. He wants something. He got the job because he came to get sanctions against Russia lifted. Russia can’t drill for oil and gas because it needs the equipment from America and because of sanctions imposed by President Obama, that equipment is not available. This is about greed and billionaires and millionaires are all gonna make a lot of money.”

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